Tax and Accounting
  • Book keeping service
    Book keeping of company’s transactions based on the expense proofs showing the company’s transactions

    Report to the headquarter
    Report the company’s GAAP or IFRS financial statements to the headquarter on a regular basis
    Provide English or Chinese communication services to our customer / headquarters’ HR and book keeping managers
  • Provide our own book keeping outsourcing system
    For the first time in this industry, provide the book keeping outsourcing services by automatically reflecting the company’s account details on a real time basis
  • Tax consulting
    Our certified tax accountant will detect the company’s financial books under the Korean tax law’s standard and advise accordingly.
    Review whether the company’s accounting standards are in compliance with the international accounting standards and advise on the issues thereof.
  • Tax protest / appeal
    For unreasonable tax imposed, represent the company in request for distress, application for evaluation of propriety of tax imposed, filing of objection, application for national tax examination, and filing for examination.
  • Wages outsourcing service
    Provide the payroll service for all types of employees.
    Calculate the deduction items such as withholding tax and social insurance from the wages.
    Conduct automatic wire transfer of post-deduction wages via banks and deliver payslips to each employee.

    Conduct a withholding tax filing for deducted tax every month.
    Conduct the year-end tax adjustment for each employee in relation to the earned-income tax and conduct the annual adjustment for the four major insurances.

    Issue the withholding receipts for earned-income.
    For resigned employees, settle the earned-income tax, calculate the severance pay, and settle the four major insurances.
    Analyze the appropriateness of the company’s contribution to the four major insurances and represent the company in various social insurance filings.

    Provide statistics on wages.
    Provide samples of employment contracts and employment terms and conditions under the Korean labor law.

    Review the appropriateness of additional wage items including extended, night, and holiday allowances and a potential breach of minimum wage issue.
  • Corporate tax filing
    Conduct annual corporate tax filing and interim prepayment filing and issue payment slips thereof.
    Prepare the standard financial statements, which is one of essential attachments in corporate tax filings.
    Provide an English summary of corporate tax filing.
  • General income tax filing
    Conduct annual declarations of domestic and overseas aggregate income.
    Review tax reliefs for personal income tax under the Korean tax law and assist in case of tax audits.
    Conduct general income tax filing and issue payment slips thereof.
  • Assist in tax audits
    Assist in tax audits.
    Issue other bank reports.
  • VAT filing
    Review the amount of VAT accrued and purchase deduction on a monthly basis.
    Conduct quarterly VAT filings under the Korean VAT laws.